Letters from Langston: From the Harlem Renaissance to the Red Scare and Beyond, edited by Evelyn Louise Crawford and Mary Louise Patterson. If there are multiple editors, use and before the last author's name.
Editors Note: If there is one editor, use the format edited by Last Name, First Name. Title of the Book, Note: Use italics for the title of a longer work like a book and use headline-style capitalization. Edition Note: If there are multiple editions, use the format 1st/2nd/3rd ed.,. Note: Use italics for the title of a longer work like a book and use headline-style capitalization. "Disrupting Neoliberalism and Bridging the Multiple Worlds of Marginalized Youth via Hip-Hop Pedagogy: Contemplating Possibilities." Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, vol. Database, Note: Use italics for names of databases. If accessed online or in a library database. #, Note: If there is no additional number after the volume, only include the volume number. Title of the Journal, Note: Use italics for the title of a longer work like a journal and use headline-style capitalization. "Title of the Article." Note: Include the title of a shorter work like an article in a journal in quotation marks and use headline-style capitalization.
If there are multiple authors, use and before the last author's name. Note: Use the format Last Name, First Name Middle Name or Initial.